Over Thanksgiving weekend, Ivanka Trump and her family took a trip to a far-off place. She recently posted an intriguing trip video to her Instagram account. She is seen in the video using a specialized simulator to practice surfing. Social media users were drawn to her slender and immaculate figure, though.
Ivanka Trump showcased her long legs and toned, slender body in a chic one-piece swimsuit with white accents while practicing surfing. The 43-year-old appeared totally at ease and was obviously having fun with the water sport, grinning the whole time.
Another significant morning routine that Ivanka has shared is that she begins her day with a large glass of water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
“I get up at 5:30 a.m. to work out or meditate. In order to devote my mornings entirely to my children, I prefer to be completely ready for the day before they wake up. One of the most significant things I do each day is meditate. Ivanka disclosed that she meditates twice a day for 20 minutes each time.